

The saving phase begins when you get out on your own. It is both exciting and frightening all at the same time. With so many dreams, who has time to think about long-term goals like retirement? This is a time to get the first real car, a home, perhaps start a family, and on and on. Before you know it, you're in your mid-30s, then 40s and the long-term goals start to look a lot closer, but there are ongoing bills and new ones popping up, seemingly every day. How did my parents manage these things so well? What to do? 


You are never too young to plan and never too young to save. A little can become a lot when you are young because of all the time you have. This is a critical time to plan. We can help get you started down the right path by building a comprehensive financial plan. We will help you identify and prioritize your goals based on their importance and timeliness to you. We will consider goals for cars, homes, family and their education, travel, hobbies, careers, and retirement. We will help you by preparing for the potential roadblocks of life like a disability, the loss of a spouse, or a chronic illness. You are right, this is a lot to think about. Others have navigated this phase of the journey successfully and so can you. Just get started early. Time lost is time that is never recovered.


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The transition stage begins when you are approximately 5–10 years away from retiring. In this stage, we help you finalize your specific retirement goals, implement appropriate strategies, and design a retirement-focused portfolio. The planning work completed at this stage is absolutely crucial to your having a successful retirement.



Early Retirement

The early retirement phase is the first step of the “spending phase.” These years are often referred to as the “go-go years” of retirement and are typically the most active years of your retirement. With your financial plan in hand, this “big leap” is not as big as you originally thought or feared.




This phase is often referred to as the “slow-go years.” Life is full of activities, but not as “go-go” as before. Your retirement plan is in “full swing” and you have accomplished many of your goals, but there are still plenty of goals to achieve. It is important that your portfolio continues to provide an income so that you can pay for your life. It is important to continually update your plan, strategies, and portfolio.



Late Retirement

This phase is often referred to as the “no-go years.” You are traveling less frequently than in the past and are spending more time at home and in your community. Hopefully, you are living independently, but some will need assistance. Congratulations on a great retirement. We have been there with you each step of the way, “Simplifying Your Journey.”